The Chauvinist Pig

and Twenty Pieces of Love and Despair

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Vrijedi za područje Republike Hrvatske.

  • Original language: Croatian

  • Pages: 160

  • Date of Publication: March 2016.

  • ISBN: 978-953266706-6

  • Type of Binding: hardback

  • Format: 204 mm

  • Weight: 260 g

  • Lowest price in the last 30 days: 0,00 € / 0,00 kn

Paraphrasing the title of the famous Neruda collection, Ivan Jozić offers us at the very beginning coordinates of the world he invites us into - humour, literature and its dialogues, as well as the announcement that we are going to hear about relations between the sexes, about prejudices about their (in)ability, about the roles we are inclined to imagine, recognise or assume in love relationships.

But in the centre of this world full of unusual people (and some other, even more unusual animals), between Kiev and Zagreb, Tennessee and Arles, under the sky where many aeroplane trajectories and Van Gogh stars cross, nothing awaits us but good old and somewhat bruised love.

Because Ivan Jozić wrote his first book precisely about that: about women and men who travel and look for it, and sometimes find it in the places where we (even they) would not expect it.

Machismo diluted in a glass of water, humour that undermines pathetic, rafal breakthroughs of fantastic, dinamic dialogues and live comparisons, wondering about the nature of artistic creation, as well as regularities of the world in which it becomes - all this in the service of Her Majesty, and it protects them from the danger of common places.


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