Marathon Runner

Rok isporuke: tri radna dana.

Besplatna dostava: za narudžbe iznad 35,00 €.

Vrijedi za područje Republike Hrvatske.

  • Original language: Croatian

  • Pages: 160

  • Date of Publication: November 2020.

  • ISBN: 978-953358290-0

  • Type of Binding: hardback

  • Format: 204 mm

  • Weight: 290 g

  • Lowest price in the last 30 days: 0,00 € / 0,00 kn

What are the limits of man’s stamina, how much can a human body, and brains, take while running – running a marathon, no less? A marathon runner himself, who completed six international marathons over the past few years, Nebojša Lujanović speaks about the ups and downs, the persistence it takes to even train for such a demanding discipline, to travel, out of love and on his own devices, to faraway destinations and run 41.195 kilometers. This is a book about pain and courage it takes to set out to run, about the pleasure a victory, primarily over oneself, gives, about a feeling of solidarity shared among hundreds of marathon runners.

Marathon Runner, however, is not a book about running; it is first and foremost introspection of a man up against everything, who needs to clear out his dilemmas, fears and defeats to even move on with running, with life. Marathon Runner is a book about not giving up, a prose inspiring readers to become aware of the challenges in their lives, to observe the paths to cross and how to channel the trials to become a better person. A marathon is the most accurate metaphor of the road a man needs to take to know himself and others.

World Rights Available

Predstavljanje BestBook knjige mjeseca: Maratonac Nebojše Lujanovića
4. 12. 2020., Knjižara Fraktura, Zagreb