When the Walls Came Tumbling Down

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Vrijedi za područje Republike Hrvatske.

  • Original language: Croatian

  • Pages: 256

  • Date of Publication: October 2019.

  • ISBN: 978-953358176-7

  • Type of Binding: hardback

  • Format: 204 mm

  • Weight: 355 g

  • Lowest price in the last 30 days: 0,00 € / 0,00 kn

It is the late 1980s, a time when Zagreb awoke from slumber, the clubs are packed and the night still appears to be very young. As global music celebrities have concerts and democracy is at our doorstep, the future, at least to most, seems merry and bright. At the same time, a change is felt in the air, which is even sold in cans in its ‘clean’ version. Crni, the protagonist of the novel When the Walls Came Tumbling Down, is an ambitious lad with a penchant for philosophy and rock ‘n’ roll, growing up in a somewhat unstable family in the city centre and the streets are his second home. He and his friends at the end of high school think about girls and how to change the world.

When the Walls Came Tumbling Down is an authentic novel about growing up in Zagreb in the late eighties, in which Kristijan Vujičić genuinely and vibrantly, with a lot of humour, describes the adventures of many coming-of-age boys and girls. From euphoria to fear, from wild parties to air raids, from friendship to hate, from love to escape, from internationalism to nationalism, from communism to a multi-party system – all this is condensed in this fast-paced novel. When the Walls Came Tumbling Down chronicles the coming-of-age on urban streets, sparing no one, children or parents, because they all have to grow up and change to survive in a new time.


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