Srećko Horvat
Srećko Horvat, born in Zagreb 1983, is a philosopher, political analyst and translator. He published six books in Croatian language: Protiv političke korektnosti. Od Kramera do Laibacha i natrag(Against Political Correctness. From Kramer to Laibach, and back) 2007; Znakovi postmodernog grada (Signs of Postmodern City) 2007; Budućnost je ovdje. Svijet distopijskog filma (The Future is Now. The World of Dystopian Movies) 2008; Totalitarizam danas (Totalitarianism today) 2008; Diskurs terorizma (Discourse of Terrorism), 2008, and Ljubav za početnike ili zašto možemo voljeti samo znakovima (Love for Beginners, or why we can love only in signs), 2009. He was awarded as the best film critic in Croatia in the year 2008. He translated several books from German and English into Croatian, the work of Norbert Elias, Slavoj Žižek, Frank Furedi, Peter Sloterdijk and others. Apart from this activities, he is the Art Director of Subversive Film Festival held in Zagreb, which hosted internationally acknowledged theorists such as Slavoj Žižek, Chantal Mouffe, Ernesto Laclau, Minqi Li, Frank Furedi, and others.